Thursday, April 30, 2009

This is an official call for help. I am drowning and need help. If you have any free time and like to shelve books, please give me a call and we can set up some time for you to come help me, so I can continue helping all of you in your search for just the right book. (833-3099) I had some friends who helped pretty regularly, but one is en route to South Korea to teach English and the other works too much at his other job. I just need someone for an hour, here and there, to help me get some of these books put on the shelves.
Much, much obliged.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Storewise, I have called in the Calvary.

I am thinking that maybe I should write that book I always wanted to write before I get an upset tummy and keel over. $1.5 billion is being asked of Congress for this Swine Flu. Wow. I should just go jump off a bridge now before the flu gets me, eh? Maybe I will just go write, instead.
Storewise, I have called in the Calvary, which consists of friends willing to work for free, to help me with the formerly mentioned Deluge of Books. I hope to see you all here soon to check it all out!
Karin M.

Friday, April 24, 2009

It is not what you do but how you do it.

This is where I want to be. Jane does, too. Instead she is here at the store helping me with the deluge of , what I assume to be, Spring-Cleaning books that folks have brought in for trade. Please, don't mistake what I am saying- a DELUGE, also known as:

avalanche, barrage, cataclysm, cataract, drencher, flux, inundation, niagara, overflowing, overrunning, pour, rush, spate, torrent
I have so many new books that have come in recently that it is almost weird. Great prices, great selection, great service. That is what you get when you come to The English Major Bookstore. Plus, you get to talk to girls (women) who want to be out in the country side, where the firetrucks and ambulances come by so infrequently, it is not worth mentioning. What more could you ask from your gently-used book buying experience? Free coffee? Got it. Free books? Even have some of those. A wonderfully cool space with a cement floor that keeps the air about ten degrees cooler than outside- you got it here!
Hope to see you All, soon.
And remember:
It is not what you do, but how you do it, that counts.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Obviously, I could stop anytime, but I like it.

This is a picture from some New England blog and it relates to Facebook Addicts. Under the picture, it said something to the effect of," If you are addicted to Facebook, you definitely know what this picture is about." Hmmm...I am on Facebook and obviously, I could stop anytime, but I like it.
Store is closed and I am off to do all the things you do on a day "off"!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Like soggy freakin bread

Notice how these things are diametrically opposed. A rainy Saturday for a Carriage Driver is like soggy freakin bread. Like finding one half of a $1,000 bill. Like no one showing up for the party you throw. It is like a lot of things, but is it not, like, cool. I enjoy being a Carriage Driver, a lot, but a rainy Saturday, well, I think I have made my point.
The Creator of the Universe has a plan for me, his creation, and part of it must be to not drive a carriage today. Harumph. I accept what I cannot change.
I guess.

Hi, Mom! Love you!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Stupid Winter, Go Away!!

I surely love me some sunshine!!! I am going to sit down and read from Psalms in The Bible. Read some last night and was very moved. Yes, the store is open and yes, I am going to this reading and coffee drinking on company time, but I think, I think, it will be okay. Can you believe Memphis in May is only two weeks away?!? Does this mean that Spring will actually, really be here? Stupid Winter, Go Away!!
Take care all and hope to everyone is doing really well during these decidedly weird, strange and trying times. Don't let the b*st***s get you down! ( I've been waiting to say that for quite a while.)
Take Good Care of Yourself, Dear Reader!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Literary Scene

That is where I feel like I am, Sniffle Station, USA. I have recently experienced a brief respite from said sniffling, but had already located this picture on Google Image, so I thought I would go with it. Beautiful, gorgeous day- soooo many new books have come in that I really wish some folks would come in and buy them because I am feeling a little overwhelmed when I think of finding the time to shelve all these books. If you care about the literary scene in Midtown Memphis, come help me. Buy my books. Make them yours.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Revolt Loudly!

I still don't understand how a Tea Party is going to improve anything but one's mood. :) Wish I was going to the one in Audobon Park, but I can't make it. I hope they all revolt loud enough for the real leaders of the world to hear.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The she being me

It's raining, the store is closed and I am going to go finish up my taxes, with some qualified help, of course. Finished the Biography on Hunter S. Thompson (Fear and Loathing; The Strange and Terrible Saga of HST) by Paul Perry and it was awesome. That's it, that's all she wrote.

The she being me.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Say your peace, Bunny!

Thank God for Over the Counter Pain Meds
Ladies, I believe you know of what I speak.
Nuff said.
I am feeling rather peaceful now and
in searching for a peaceful image,
I found a bunny meditating,
which, to me, says enough.
Plus I have to go to work here in a minute

and a making this quick.
Say your peace, Bunny!
(Does this read like a poem?
It's not.
Or is it?)

Friday, April 10, 2009


Busy, busy, busy. Trying to get caught up after my brief stint in Central Arkansas. Am actually making progress in said catching up, but, lo, it leaves such little time for blogging. I must run and sell my million dollar quota today in used books. Won't you help me make that quota (I think I have been listening to WKNO too much lately!)
Take good care, fellow readers.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Employ Its Fake Self For Now

Not feeling particularly happy about being back in Memphis. My vacation was rejuvenating and peaceful and I don't want it to end, but I am back, so it is over. The peace will remain though perhaps not the rejuvenation. Actually, I believe I need to meditate more and live more in the present moment and that doing so will go a long way towards reviving whatever it is I feel needs to juvinated in the first place. Is juvinated a word? Apparently not, but as it fits the meaning I am trying to convey, I will employ its fake self for now, but not ever again. Unless necessary of course.
Come by and say Hi! So many good books up here, it is ridiculous. Read faster people!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

No Horses, No Books

Little delinquent blogger am I, eh? And guess what? I am not doing much of a blog today, either. I am in the middle of 48 hours of
"no horses, no books"
and apparently, tht means no blogging either. Who knew?
Hope all is well. Jane kept the store open yesterday as a trial run for being open on Mondays and two people came in. Hmmm... that doesn't bode well for Mondays. Other than that, the angry and unhappy wind has finally calmed down here in Hot Springs and it is peaceful outside. Cold but serene. And I am going to get back to doing not much of anything.
Take care!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I am going to Hot Springs, AR today to see my fair mother and I can't wait. I will be gone till Wednesday- my friend Jane will be watching the store, so take it easy on her. Will I blog from Hot Springs? Why, yes, I will. Any other questions, write them down and ask me when I get back. I will see you all on Wednesday.
Take good care!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Yes, that is the infamous Bonnie. Should you have the sincere pleasure of knowing me personally (!), you likely know that I am a carriage driver downtown and the horse I drive is a cover girl this month! Bonnie is a registered Clydesdale and is the only Clydesdale downtown. She is about 9 years old and is awesome. I would not have opposed to being on the cover with her, but whatever. Always know, I am more than happy to arrange reservations for a fabulous carriage ride through the store! Come on down and see me for more details!

Carriage Tour of Memphis
Half-hour tour, $45
Full Hour, $75
Taxis available
Pickup anywhere downtown

The other picture is becasue I love the sun! Lovely day at the store, have gotten lots of new books in recently, come on down and check it out!
Miss Karin

Friday, April 3, 2009

It's face is completely blank.

Wonderful picture. (I would make a great art critic, wouldn't I? "The art I saw at tonight's opening was great, really great. In fact, it was downright pretty.")
Lovely day, both inside and out of the bookstore. Have had several people come in, some bought things, some didn't, although looked like they were thinking about it. One of the main things going on in my life pertains to my phone. The face on the phone has gone completely blank, except for about eleven second, once a day. I can still receive phone calls but I don't have anyone's phone numbers memorized. So, my life has quieted down, considerably. I like it this way, however, if anyone has an AT&T Nokia or any other kind of AT&T compatible phone they never use, please, let me take it off your hands. I believe there might be an exchange of books, if you play your cards right. (I can pay in cash or books.:)
I have to go now, I have 483,645 thing I have to do before I go work tonight.
Btw, anyone wants an adorable, I mean really sociable, little kittens, let me know!

Book Girl

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Stillness Speaks

I am rather excited by this rain storm we are having. Storms can create such logistical problems like flooding, electrical outages, etc., but for me, for now, it is just raindrops on the ceiling. I know the rain could turn severe and that the possibility for this exists for the rest of the day. Maybe it's the Hunter S. Thompson biography I am reading that puts me in a bit of a mood, but I like a day like this. I like it kind of dark, quiet, sedate. It is definitely different from yesterday.
Webster's Dictionary defines boring as "causing or marked by boredom, uninteresting and tiresome; dull" and includes the synonyms monotonous, tedious, irksome and humdrum. I do not oppose 'boring' in theory. I love that a tree grows, but to watch it growing, minute by minute, is boring, for sure. I even embrace the idea that the more things change, the more they stay the same. I am reading part of a book about Adult Children of Alcoholics. One of the things Adult Children tend to do is deal with the problems of the past, in the present. In other words, they will work hard to find solutions for problems that were huge in the past, as a child, but which no longer exist in the present moment. Like moving to a new city, or country, expecting not to have to deal with the people or situations in your life which were bothering you in the first place, only to find them again, in your new home, just with different faces. One of my favorite books is Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle. He says that all of nature is waiting for us to just be with it. I have 'Be Here Now' written on my backyard fence. I say all this to show that I am not necessarily a revolutionary, I do like sameness and non eventfulness as they are, in essence, peace.
However, as a part Sagitarius girl, I love this weather. I believe I need a vacation.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I am quite Irish of blood.

Heck of a picture. I went for a walk on the river today and it was fantastic. I am on the cusp of Sagittarius and, as such, routine has the ability to make me insane. Too much of almost the exact same thing, day after day, makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out. I like my eyes, however, and I like having eyes, so I am on a campaign of doing the things I always think about doing but don't do, things that are good and healthy for me. I have decided that if I don't do these things, who will? Who will enjoy fresh air and good books for me if not me? It is, in essence, my job to ensure that things never get so bad that I want to remove God-given parts from my body, especially such overtly necessary parts as eyes.
However, if anyone ever comes to the store and finds me not there during regular business hours, please know that I want to be there. The store is a favorite haunt of mine. I love being there. If I am not there, it is not intentional nor personal. It means I set aside x amount of time to do something and have run over my time limit. I am quite Irish of blood and we, as a people, are want to do that. Please know that I am not at a movie and am definitely not out drinking and/or cavorting, but am merely accomplishing routine tasks at a slow rate. In other words, the fun I have during store hours is at the store. And I do have fun there. Lots of it. Mommy just needs to find other places and activities to balance out all the fun she has at the store.
Having said all that, I have to say that I am really enjoying blogging more. Maybe my blog isn't as interesting (!) or entertaining as some, but it is mine and I like it. A lot. Hope you all do to. Feel free to comment or, you could show your support by buying more books than your current living space can handle. It's the only way to be.
Book Girl