Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Lending Library at The English Major Bookstore

So many people have been coming in lately saying that they have been meaning to come in but that it has taken them until now to do it. To all, I say, Come On In!! If it is after 2 p.m., you can park in Old Zinnie's parking lot, across the street from the laundromat. I am also available by appointment, so, say you have a few free minutes, but the store is closed, feel free to call me and it is very easy for me to open for you.

Hope Christmas and all it's glory is sitting well with all of you. Personally, I've been reading a ton of good books; it seems the more I read, the more I read (actually, the inverse is true, too, the less I read, the less I seem to read!) Presently, though, I am watching a BBC movie called Fingersmith- it's awesome. Anyway, Happy Wet, Cold and Windy Holidays!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Lending Library Up and Running- Come Sign Up!

Lending Library Up and Running! Definitely come sign up - lots of people are really excited about this- it's a great service to the community! I think one of the best deals is the three month plan- for $50, you can come into the bookstore anytime you want and take out up to $25 worth of books for the next three months! Even month to month is a bargain- it comes to $20.70/month, about $5 a week to come in and take out three books at a time. Jump on this!! This is a great deal- no more books clogging up your bookshelves, no more being stuck with books you thought for sure you would read but never did, no more neglected books! Every book you have will either be read or returned- everyone wins!!

By the way, I got to go to The Raw Food Potluck last night and it was beyond awesome. Had a great time and highly encourage anyone interested in The Raw Food Lifestyle to come to the potlucks on the second Thursday of every month at the Whole Foods on Poplar at 7 p.m. Cost is $5 or bring a dish ( you can usually buy a raw food entree in the deli on those nights- very tasty stuff!!) The people are great, the food will blow your mind and the company is sparkling!!
Have a good and warm weekend!
Miss Karin

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Lending Library Here at The English Major Bookstore

The All New Lending Library is now up and running here at the Bookstore. Firstly, however, I hope everyone reading this had as good a Thanksgiving as I did- I got to meet my nephew, Colin, and hang out with my brother, Mike and his wife, Amy- we played dominoes and Trivial Pursuit and I swear, if one more person tells me dominoes is a prison game- it's not!! (Or, more succinctly, if it is, it also makes a great Thanksgiving game as well.) It was a lot of fun and the whole visit did me more good than I realized. It was really, really nice to see my brother and his family, and of course my Mom and John, but I see them a lot.
Anyhoo, there is now a program at the Bookstore whereby, for a nominal and customizable fee, you can rent books for the month. There are several different plans, one of the most basic being $18.95/ month + tax to rent three books at a time. Or, if you wanted to avail yourself of the discounts that come with a multi-month plan, you could sign up for three months, three books at a time, for just $50!! (plus tax).
I tried to copy the whole plan on here, but my computer wasn't into it, at all (?!), but it is very simple. You borrow my books and bring them back on time and in like condition as when they left the bookstore and we will all be happy. If the books come back late or in bad condition, you are not allowed to be a part of the Lending Library anymore- unless you can make it up to me by paying for the book. Also, should you borrow a book and decide you cannot live without it, you can buy it for one-third off it's marked price ( The English Major Bookstore price).

How cool is all this??? I am excited about it and hope you are to. If it is not a problem, please tell your mother and father about The Lending Library at The English Major Bookstore as well as any brothers or sisters you may have and also, please let all your neighbors, coworkers, friends and acquaintances know as well. Thanks.