ain't no more.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Free Books- So Many Free Books!!!!!
Well, I'll tell you what- anyone reading this blog is welcome to come to the store today, before 3, and pick up as many free books as you can carry out. Salvation Army doesn't come till Monday, so it's all yours for the taking. I'll be up there in about an hour- you can call me at (901) 833-3099
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Any Thoughts?
It is my own fault, but no one seems to be reading this blog and as much as I enjoy writing it, I'm unsure of it's future as it feels to weird to be writing for people when there are no people.
Any thoughts?
Any thoughts?
Sunday, January 30, 2011
D.H. Lawrence
I felt the need to mark this occasion with a post at my newly-resurected-though-likely-not-widely-read-at-this-point-blog. I stopped by the bookstore today and picked up a few books I thought looked interesting. Wanna know what they were (though this activity is not the reason for this blog, just part of the story)?
1. American Literature to 1900 ( an anthology)
2.Herman Melville- Selected Tales and Poems
3.Twentieth Century English Literature
4. Moby Dick
5. This is the one I'm excited about- Lady Chatterley's Lover by D.H. Lawrence.
Women in Love by D.H. Lawrence remains one of my favorite books. A lot of people I have talked to about this book have referenced it as a book they read and were excited about when they were, say, 16 or 17. This knowledge did nothing to diminish my love of this book. Katrina ate up most of my belongings in 2005 and I think that is where my copy of this book landed, at the bottom of The Gulf of Mexico. The experience of reading that book was so moving to me because I still, to this day, enjoy owning a book I have no intention of relinquishing and which I deface by underlining the passage that speak to me. My copy of Women in Love was thoroughly defaced- I love the way D.H. wrote. So, a copy of Lady Chatterley's Lover is sitting on the shelf at the store and I figured, why not? Maybe it's as good as the other one I read. Lo and behold, when I got this book home, someone had underlined all their meaningful passages but the interesting part is that they underlined throughout the whole book! In the whole time I owned the bookstore, I never found a copy of any book that was underlined all the way through. It seems that most other defacers just peter out before the book is over- I look at defaced books specifically to see if they are thoroughly underlined or just a partial job, as is usually the case. Therefore , to have learned that someone out there has enjoyed D.H Lawrence, not just as much as I, but in the same way I did is wild! Maybe only another book nut would 'get' this, but it meant a lot to me, enough to share with the world via the World Wide Web. Hope it didn't drag on too much and turn you off to the whole English Major Blog! :)
Have a great day!
1. American Literature to 1900 ( an anthology)
2.Herman Melville- Selected Tales and Poems
3.Twentieth Century English Literature
4. Moby Dick
5. This is the one I'm excited about- Lady Chatterley's Lover by D.H. Lawrence.
Women in Love by D.H. Lawrence remains one of my favorite books. A lot of people I have talked to about this book have referenced it as a book they read and were excited about when they were, say, 16 or 17. This knowledge did nothing to diminish my love of this book. Katrina ate up most of my belongings in 2005 and I think that is where my copy of this book landed, at the bottom of The Gulf of Mexico. The experience of reading that book was so moving to me because I still, to this day, enjoy owning a book I have no intention of relinquishing and which I deface by underlining the passage that speak to me. My copy of Women in Love was thoroughly defaced- I love the way D.H. wrote. So, a copy of Lady Chatterley's Lover is sitting on the shelf at the store and I figured, why not? Maybe it's as good as the other one I read. Lo and behold, when I got this book home, someone had underlined all their meaningful passages but the interesting part is that they underlined throughout the whole book! In the whole time I owned the bookstore, I never found a copy of any book that was underlined all the way through. It seems that most other defacers just peter out before the book is over- I look at defaced books specifically to see if they are thoroughly underlined or just a partial job, as is usually the case. Therefore , to have learned that someone out there has enjoyed D.H Lawrence, not just as much as I, but in the same way I did is wild! Maybe only another book nut would 'get' this, but it meant a lot to me, enough to share with the world via the World Wide Web. Hope it didn't drag on too much and turn you off to the whole English Major Blog! :)
Have a great day!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
TheEnglishMajor's Booth at :)
Well, the threat of Winter weather seems to be behind us and we have a beautiful weekend in front of us. As carriage drivers in the middle of Winter, both Chris and I are extremely happy for the break from the cold. It's almost like a Winter vacation came to us so we didn't have to go to it. Almost.
Went and saw my friend Sally's 3-week-old BEAUTIFUL baby girl, Amelia up at Westy's. I love babies!! So much fun- a couple of my friends are pregnant and I am sure they are all going to need a break at some point from their new bundles of joy, which is where I come in! I love babysitting and am looking forward to helping out where I can. I would open a day care if I could, that would be like a dream job to me. Who knows, perhaps some day!
Just saw where Alexa, from Jerseylicious, (which my husband cannot believe I watch) got her own show called 'The Glam Fairy'. I think that is too funny- all the drama on that show and Alexa always acts like she oozes success in everything she does- then Bravo gives her her own reality show, centered around her! Go Alexa!
On that note, farewell for the day. Hope everyone is having a great day- by the way, I got more books put up on my new website where I am selling books online, at at TheEnglishMajor's booth ( There are about 10 books up thus far- why not swing by and see if anything speaks to you? Local pickup available, btw :)
Went and saw my friend Sally's 3-week-old BEAUTIFUL baby girl, Amelia up at Westy's. I love babies!! So much fun- a couple of my friends are pregnant and I am sure they are all going to need a break at some point from their new bundles of joy, which is where I come in! I love babysitting and am looking forward to helping out where I can. I would open a day care if I could, that would be like a dream job to me. Who knows, perhaps some day!
Just saw where Alexa, from Jerseylicious, (which my husband cannot believe I watch) got her own show called 'The Glam Fairy'. I think that is too funny- all the drama on that show and Alexa always acts like she oozes success in everything she does- then Bravo gives her her own reality show, centered around her! Go Alexa!
On that note, farewell for the day. Hope everyone is having a great day- by the way, I got more books put up on my new website where I am selling books online, at at TheEnglishMajor's booth ( There are about 10 books up thus far- why not swing by and see if anything speaks to you? Local pickup available, btw :)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
My Online Book Sales:!!!

Hello, again! Like I said in my last post ( although I lamented this when the bookstore was open), I am sceptical that anyone is reading this blog, especially when I haven't posted in about 6 months! But I am going to act like someone is reading this, even if it only me.
So, Chris and I survived the light dusting of snow we got yesterday. The grass in the front yard was barely covered with the white stuff and it was gone by the next day, but we pulled through!! We acted like a team and did what we had to do and survived. Okay, enough poking fun typically-snow-deprived-areas. The real point of this post is to announce that although I only have one book for sale on it, I am the proud user of a website called (previously and I will be moving my books from to my Bonanza booth ASAP. My booth is called, oddly enough, TheEnglishMajor and can be found at the following link:
Definitely check back, unless you are interested in the one book I have on there and you've been looking for it for forever (A Definitive History of the American Prisoner-of-War by John G. Hubbell, $100) but if it's not, I have a lot of books destined for Bonanza Land. Take care, all, and hope you have a great night.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The English Major Shares
Strange as it may sound, it has taken until now for me to contemplate the idea that just because I don't have the bookstore anymore doesn't mean I can't continue my blog! When my husband was my boyfriend, he used to jokingly refer to me as 'The Major' (sometimes 'The Private', depending on the circumstances we found ourselves in.) So, I figure, this was a blog for The English Major Bookstore so me without the bookstore leaves just 'The English Major'. And English Majors tend to like to write and blogs are good outlets for that :)
Chris and I are a few days shy of our six-month wedding annviversary! We feel like experts on the whole being married thing- not! We have had our ups and downs, but it has been wonderful. Some blog, I'll tell you about the course of our relationship- this wedding was a long time coming and I'm very happy we had it! (So is Chris, by the way:)
It is, of course, Winter here in Memphis, which for us fulltime carriage drivers, it's just such a great time of year, with it's lack of rides and cold weather. Chris and I feel like we can see a light at the end of the tunnel as there are a lot of activities in February. Of anyone is reading this, remember, it is never too early to book you Valentine's Carriage Ride with me or my husband. You can go to Carriage Tours of Memphis for me, The Carriage Company for him. I'm prettier, just for the record. Speaking of coomedy, Mike McDonald was on Showtime this morning- he's the guy that played Stuart on Mad TV- and he was doing a stand-up comedy routine and it was hysterical!! Laughed my tush off! This has definitely been the easiest winter of my life as a carriage driver ( and the most special, too.)
Well, it's Tuesday, it's supposed to snow in a few hours, 1-3 inches, so in other words, we are snowed in, there is no escape and no way out. We've stocked up on the basic supplies and both my husband and I believe we are going to make it through this storm unscathed. We will pull through it and persevere, likely stronger people for having survived it. Good Luck, Memphis, we'll see you on the other side of this storm. God speed, everyone!
Chris and I are a few days shy of our six-month wedding annviversary! We feel like experts on the whole being married thing- not! We have had our ups and downs, but it has been wonderful. Some blog, I'll tell you about the course of our relationship- this wedding was a long time coming and I'm very happy we had it! (So is Chris, by the way:)
It is, of course, Winter here in Memphis, which for us fulltime carriage drivers, it's just such a great time of year, with it's lack of rides and cold weather. Chris and I feel like we can see a light at the end of the tunnel as there are a lot of activities in February. Of anyone is reading this, remember, it is never too early to book you Valentine's Carriage Ride with me or my husband. You can go to Carriage Tours of Memphis for me, The Carriage Company for him. I'm prettier, just for the record. Speaking of coomedy, Mike McDonald was on Showtime this morning- he's the guy that played Stuart on Mad TV- and he was doing a stand-up comedy routine and it was hysterical!! Laughed my tush off! This has definitely been the easiest winter of my life as a carriage driver ( and the most special, too.)
Well, it's Tuesday, it's supposed to snow in a few hours, 1-3 inches, so in other words, we are snowed in, there is no escape and no way out. We've stocked up on the basic supplies and both my husband and I believe we are going to make it through this storm unscathed. We will pull through it and persevere, likely stronger people for having survived it. Good Luck, Memphis, we'll see you on the other side of this storm. God speed, everyone!
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