Monday, September 29, 2008


Well, I figured out the pictures all on my own!! This is the Outside of the store - if you follow the arrows pointing to the left, I am in that corner by the front of the car.

This is a pretty good shot of what you see when you walk in the door!

This is the Front part of the store, non-fiction to be exact.

A guy shopping! ( It's actually my photographer friend, posing.)

Now, although this looks like an outdoor shelf of books, it actually is more significant than that. It serves to let people know that even if I had an 'Open' sign you could see from the street , the fact that these books are out there means that I am, in fact, actually open!

Me again!

And these are some of the other good shots!

And I believe that is it. I can't believe I figured out how to do this! Pretty good for a first timer! I'm so glad to have proof for my out of town family that I did actually open a bookstore!;) Hope ya'll enjoyed this! Have a good one!

To be simple
is not always
as easy as it seems.

-Ferdinand Hodler

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