Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Lending Library at The English Major Bookstore
Friday, December 11, 2009
Lending Library Up and Running- Come Sign Up!
By the way, I got to go to The Raw Food Potluck last night and it was beyond awesome. Had a great time and highly encourage anyone interested in The Raw Food Lifestyle to come to the potlucks on the second Thursday of every month at the Whole Foods on Poplar at 7 p.m. Cost is $5 or bring a dish ( you can usually buy a raw food entree in the deli on those nights- very tasty stuff!!) The people are great, the food will blow your mind and the company is sparkling!!
Have a good and warm weekend!
Miss Karin
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The Lending Library Here at The English Major Bookstore
Anyhoo, there is now a program at the Bookstore whereby, for a nominal and customizable fee, you can rent books for the month. There are several different plans, one of the most basic being $18.95/ month + tax to rent three books at a time. Or, if you wanted to avail yourself of the discounts that come with a multi-month plan, you could sign up for three months, three books at a time, for just $50!! (plus tax).
I tried to copy the whole plan on here, but my computer wasn't into it, at all (?!), but it is very simple. You borrow my books and bring them back on time and in like condition as when they left the bookstore and we will all be happy. If the books come back late or in bad condition, you are not allowed to be a part of the Lending Library anymore- unless you can make it up to me by paying for the book. Also, should you borrow a book and decide you cannot live without it, you can buy it for one-third off it's marked price ( The English Major Bookstore price).
How cool is all this??? I am excited about it and hope you are to. If it is not a problem, please tell your mother and father about The Lending Library at The English Major Bookstore as well as any brothers or sisters you may have and also, please let all your neighbors, coworkers, friends and acquaintances know as well. Thanks.
Friday, November 6, 2009
A Superb, Revealing, Three Page Typed Letter, Signed
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Vintage Yoder Show Cart For Sale!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Peter Pan, Where, Oh Where, Have You Gone?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
"A democracy is always temporary in nature..."
I have this feeling no one is reading my blog. Is this true? C'mon, people, tell me it ain't true. No one ever comments and since I can't tell how many, if any, visitors I've had, I'm kind of left hanging. Anyway, got back from Hot Springs. Saw some cool documentaries, one especially called HomeGrown, about this family in California with an urban homestead where they harvested 6,000 lbs. of food in just one year in their back yard. Very worthwhile and inspiring thing to watch. Welll, dreary night out, though not on the carrriage. Am reading the biography of Jack London after reading Call of the Wild for the first time recently. His biography, called Sailor on Horseback, is so good, I have trouble putting it down!!
Well, to whomever does read this blog still, I hope you have a great day tomorrow and all weekend!
The English Major Herself,
Monday, October 12, 2009
The New Urban Cowboy Runs For Governor of Florida!!
Michael E. Arth's Runs for Governor of Florida
Michael E. Arth's idea is that eventually, in this country, we are going to have to figure out how to be a less car-centered society, as a whole, not just a few pockets of folks. His philosophy is called New Pedestrianism and an example of one of his main ideas is to turn neighborhoods around, literally. Instead of front yards facing roads and parked cars, they would face into the alleys and towards other people. Porches would be erected in the back of houses so everyone, kids included, could walk up and down the alleys safely. Things like grocery stores, art galleries, school and used bookstores would be within walking distance. In fact, everything would be within walking distance. The alleys basically become the roads, but for people. It may sound simplistic, but it is an amazing documentary. And Michael E. Arth is currently running for Governor of Florida! These are some of his websites- very worthwhile to check out!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
17 Days Since My Last Blog and These Are My Sins
"17 Days Since My Last Blog and These Are My Sins" - Just a throwback to my Catholic upbringing. NO sins here, well, I don't know- is laziness a sin? I am not sure what it is with me, but I am coming to realize that when there are things to be done and I don't do them, well, that makes me lazy. I am constantly on the go, not one to just sit around, however, I believe I have a slight issue with the "L" word ( laziness, not the Showtime series) Although I just looked it up in the dictionary and lazy also means slow-moving. That is an easier pill to swallow.
Have had my wonderful helpers in several times in the past few weeks to help me shelve books, so lots of new books on the shelves. Remember, if you have a bunch of books to get rid of, you can also give me first dibs and leave the rest with me to call Salvation Army and let them come and remove the leftovers. It is a win-win, you get to get rid of stuff, always a good thing, and I get to pick through you cast-offs, something I enjoy doing. I haven't blogged in a while and I think I am making up for it with the length of this one. Although I can't honestly say that I am sure that anyone is actually taking time out of their busy days to read this, but I like to pretend you are. I had a lady come in the store the other day, however, and announce that she was from Canada and had been reading my blog for some time. So, there's one person. ;)
Take care all and make time for yourselves, whether to read or whatnot, no on is any good to anyone else if they aren't good to themselves. (Sly justification for slow-movingness? Maybe.)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Draft-Horse Show Cart For Sale
This is a classic show cart built by Monroe Yoder, in like-new condition- used twice in parades, been in storage ever since! In 98% new shape- this great-looking carriage has a black lacquer body with white filigree and red shafts, crossbar, singletree and circle bar. It has a red leather seat and backrest with a flipup seat for storage. It is custom made with 48" wheels and is available to be seen by appointment Downtown. $1500
Please call Chris Mabry, a very good friend of mine, at (901) 282-2945 or email me!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Heed my sandwich board!!
As your local caring and responsible bookseller, I must urge you all to heed my sandwich board on the sidewalk. I only encourage this because I care. It says:
-Austin Phelps
Buy 'new', of course, I mean new to you, but that goes with out saying.
-William Faulkner
Friday, September 4, 2009
Bookstore Needs Computer
Thanks in advance for any help!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Will Trade Books For Tomatoes! Seriously!
By the way, we have a new Chihuahua puppy up at the bookstore! Come by and meet 13 week old Isabella!
Friday, August 14, 2009
A good night's sleep
Well, I actually had a good night's sleep last night. Whenever I have had trouble sleeping, I have relied on melatonin to help me sleep and regulate my sleep patterns. The last time I used melatonin, I was half asleep all week. Wonderful Joanie at Whole Foods pointed me toward Valarian and it worked!! I am very pleased with it and slept enough that I actually felt like getting up today instead of dragging myself out of bed.
As always, ya'll, so many books have come in recently, and they are all worth every penny you pay for them. Come check things out at the store!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Vote for me, your humble, dedicated bookseller!!
your humble, dedicated bookseller
when you vote in the
Memphis Flyer's Best of Memphis Read er's Poll 2009,
I would be ever so grateful
and will continue to serve the reading public
to the absolute best of my abilities.
Thank you and have
a lively, spirited, joyful and relaxing day!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I Am an Experienced House/Petsitter and Am For Hire!
Thanks, ya'll!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
You are the whole lake, grasshopper.
Eckhart Tolle has spoken.
from The Power of Now, p.195
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Here, Every Day Is A Special Day
There will be a Daily Special at the Store
which will be decided upon by my very own
Whim and Whimsy-
One day, it might be 15% off all Poetry
Could be 25% off all mysteries the next day-
Why not come to The English Major Bookstore
and see-
Is this Your Lucky Day?
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
One Year Anniversary Sale, Wed.- Sat.
One Year Anniversary Sale
This Wednesday through Saturday
June 17-June 20, 2009
All Fiction*- 50% Off!!
*Rare Books Section Excluded-
I am, however, Negotiable.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
The Refuse Pile
I am tired of being stolen from . I know, I know, this is Memphis, but every table I leave out in front of the store is getting stolen, even the one I wrote 'The English Major Bookstore' all over. It occurred to me last night how crazy it was to think that writing the name of the store on the table might somehow be a preventative measure for thievery. I bet there are thieves in the world who, besides taking stuff that doesn't belong to them, also know how to operate a paint brush or spray paint can and could paint over the name of my store on their new table. Whatever. Easy come, easy go (found both table in the refuse pile anyway. (trash).
Anyone with a small table for sale, feel free to get in touch with me, please. I will chain my next table to my door. Bad karma, Mr. or Ms. Thief. Bad karma.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Not Sure, But I think This Might Be INSANE
Couple Ordered to Stop Holding Bible Study at Home Without Permit
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Pastor David Jones and his wife Mary have been told that they cannot invite friends to their San Diego, Calif. home for a Bible study — unless they are willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars to San Diego County.
"On Good Friday we had an employee from San Diego County come to our house, and inform us that the Bible study that we were having was a religious assembly, and in violation of the code in the county." David Jones told FOX News.
"We told them this is not really a religious assembly — this is just a Bible study with friends. We have a meal, we pray, that was all," Jones said.
A few days later, the couple received a written warning that cited "unlawful use of land," ordering them to either "stop religious assembly or apply for a major use permit," the couple's attorney Dean Broyles told San Diego news station 10News.
But the major use permit could cost the Jones' thousands of dollars just to have a few friends over.
For David and Mary Jones, it's about more than a question of money.
"The government may not prohibit the free exercise of religion," Broyles told FOX News. "I believe that our Founding Fathers would roll over in their grave if they saw that here in the year 2009, a pastor and his wife are being told that they cannot hold a simple Bible study in their own home."
"The implications are great because it’s not only us that’s involved," Mary Jones said. "There are thousands and thousands of Bible studies that are held all across the country. What we’re interested in is setting a precedent here — before it goes any further — and that we have it settled for the future."
The couple is planning to dispute the county's order this week.
If San Diego County refuses to allow the pastor and his wife to continue gathering without acquiring a permit, they will consider a lawsuit in federal court.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Fare thee well, Oh Bloggue Reader
I believe it may be obvious what these are pictures of, namely, the store and me, but I figured I would post these pictures in case local folks may have forgotten what the inside of the store and I look like.
-What? What does she mean?
It has been very sloooooow at The English Major Bookstore. I am not complaining as I have been afforded the opportunity to do some much needed organizing and overall cleaning, (even on my day off!) and have put many, many, many, many new books on the shelves. Do come and check it out, at your leisure, of course.
Fare thee well, Oh Bloggue Reader.
Much Blessings.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Power of The Green Smoothie
Well, I think we have all stared at my face long enough. I am at the end of my ninth day, entering my tenth, of about 99% raw food. I am really happy about it and feel flippin great. I have studied the Raw Food Diet for many years and have always been moving in that direction, but thanks to the power of The Green Smoothie, I have actually, and I think for the first time in my life, been able to overcome my cravings for junk food in all its ridiculous forms. I say ridiculous, by the way, because it has, in its name, Junk.That makes it ridiculous, no?
Green Smoothies, which have absolutely nothing to do with books or the selling thereof, are a fruit smoothie made with about 60% fruit and 40% greens. So, one big handful of greens in a fruit smoothie and there you are, A Green Smoothie. They taste great and have been immensely helpful in getting pizza to release me from its grip. Pizza and many other forms of bad nutrition can go suck an egg while I enjoy goodness.
That is it. That is all I have to say tonight is I love Green Smoothies.
Oh, and all the many books folks brought me when they were doing there spring cleaning have actually made their way to the shelves. Not all, but an awful lot- I have been shelving books like mad!
By the way, I don't eat raw meat, raw eggs or raw milk!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Hidden Bookstore Offers Escape for Patrons
Hidden Bookstore Offers Escape for Patrons
* Required
* Required
TOM WILEMON | The Daily News
From (email):* Required
Message:* Required
Tucked in a corner and barely visible from Madison Avenue, The English Major Bookstore is the perfect place to browse for a good read without worrying about pocketbook woes or stumbling over crowds.
“Today, a lady called it her escape,” said owner Karin Morley, who opened the store at Tap into millions of public records, notices and articles on The Daily News.
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Crowded comfort
Parking is limited, but Morley does get walk-in traffic because she’s sandwiched between two Midtown haunts, the Audiomania vintage record store and the Lamplighter Lounge beer and burger joint. Morley values developing repeat customers more than making a quick profit.
“I price a book based on the condition and what I think I can sell it for, but I’m a mom and pop store without the pop right now,” she said. “If you can make an offer, unless it’s a really expensive book, I want you to come back. If you have $4, I’ll take $4 for a book. That’s really been a good deal to learn how to be more generous because I want you to come back.”
The English Major is a crowded, yet comfortable space where tattered chairs are strategically placed and pets aren’t shy about claiming their spots. On a recent rainy day, Fritz, a gray and white cat, lounged in a cardbox box, while Muriel, a chihuahua-mix, stayed close to Morley.
Original art hangs high on the walls over the bookshelves. Morley said she’s looking for more artists to showcase their work.
She admits that her business is not the place to go looking for a specific book.
“Sometimes, I can fulfill that demand, but there (are) several people who go away without the book they were looking for, which makes me feel like I should have every book in the world, which I don’t,” she said.
Getting started
The business gets its name because Morley was an English major at the University of Memphis, where she graduated from in 2004. Morley is a 12-year resident of the city and also works as a carriage driver Downtown.
Owning a bookstore has been a long-time dream for Morley, who received guidance from the Memphis Renaissance Business Center and counselors from SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives).
– Karin Morley
Owner, The English Major Bookstore
Ideally, she’d like a location with more parking, but Morley said she is considering putting a bicycle rack out front to compensate for that.
“This is my starter store, and I really believe that,” she said. “It may not be the best location, but it’s the best location for what’s going on right now. The parking is not that great. A lot of people say that. It took a long time for people to realize I was here. I’m tucked away back in a corner. I’m just not super noticeable.”
The store has about 14,000 books. Morley takes donations, buys titles and trades books.
Chris Mabry helped her clean, renovate and move into the location.
“We’re in kind of economic bad times,” Mabry said. “Karen is providing reading for people who couldn’t afford it otherwise. The store is set up to be a comfortable place for people to come in, to sit down, to read a book and to look around and maybe spend some money and buy a book at a very deflated cost.”
Morley said she’s made her share of mistakes running the first-time business, such as her initial decision to stay open on Sundays.
“Nobody came in,” she said. “I was here if people wanted to come in, but nobody ever did.”
Now, she spends her Sundays Downtown taking Memphis visitors on carriage rides. Several of the people she’s met that way have ended up shopping at her store.
“A lot of times, I pull back and I think I really like being small – especially since it’s a first-time business,” Morley said. “I can make these mistakes and they are not affecting very many people.”
She said her wisest decision was to start out small with a one-woman operation, but she hopes to grow the business.
“I do want an employee at some point, or a couple of them,” Morley said. “They are going to be so well taken care of. I would appreciate them being here so much.”
Well, that was not exactly the Powerball image I was looking for, but that is the front porch and hammock I would like. The store is getting cleaned today, as it just won't clean itself, no matter my prompting. Oh, Attention-Seeking store got into Monday's Daily News. I will include the link here-
Great article, very well written. This Karin person sounds fascinating and so focused on growing her business. What does she need a Powerball win for?
Have a gorgeous day on this gorgeous day!
Friday, May 8, 2009
The store is a little bit of a ham these days.
I love the '*meditate' one. I was feeling rather peaceful when I began this blog and thusly, these pictures are explained. I think that to "release all other concerns" for a few minutes every day is a great idea. I have discovered that stress-relieving techniques may not always seem to be working, right as you do them, like my new found endeavour of knitting, but it is after the fact that you notice a reduction in stress. Ommmmmm...
On a completely different subject, my family and I are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Colin, my little brother and his wife, Amy's, first baby. Michael, my bro, said it is like waiting for Christmas morning, every day. I am going to be an aunt, again. Yay! This is my eighth time to receive the honor.
By the way, English Major Blog Readers, I am going to be in The Daily News and their affiliate, The Memphis News, this coming Monday and Tuesday. Rather, the store and I are sharing the spotlight, although the store is a little bit of a ham these days. "Look at me!", "Let's advertise more!" and the like are daily occurrences coming from the store. Woe is me, I say unto you. What is a proprietress to do?
Stock incredible books at more incredible prices? That ought to do it!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The Universe is a great place to be.
By the way, I read last night that the word spirit comes from, in many different languages, the word for breath. I Love That.
From Executive Chair Wonderland,
Miss K
Thursday, April 30, 2009
This is an official call for help. I am drowning and need help. If you have any free time and like to shelve books, please give me a call and we can set up some time for you to come help me, so I can continue helping all of you in your search for just the right book. (833-3099) I had some friends who helped pretty regularly, but one is en route to South Korea to teach English and the other works too much at his other job. I just need someone for an hour, here and there, to help me get some of these books put on the shelves.
Much, much obliged.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Storewise, I have called in the Calvary.
Storewise, I have called in the Calvary, which consists of friends willing to work for free, to help me with the formerly mentioned Deluge of Books. I hope to see you all here soon to check it all out!
Karin M.
Friday, April 24, 2009
It is not what you do but how you do it.
avalanche, barrage, cataclysm, cataract, drencher, flux, inundation, niagara, overflowing, overrunning, pour, rush, spate, torrent |
Hope to see you All, soon.
And remember:
It is not what you do, but how you do it, that counts.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Obviously, I could stop anytime, but I like it.
Store is closed and I am off to do all the things you do on a day "off"!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Like soggy freakin bread
Notice how these things are diametrically opposed. A rainy Saturday for a Carriage Driver is like soggy freakin bread. Like finding one half of a $1,000 bill. Like no one showing up for the party you throw. It is like a lot of things, but is it not, like, cool. I enjoy being a Carriage Driver, a lot, but a rainy Saturday, well, I think I have made my point.
The Creator of the Universe has a plan for me, his creation, and part of it must be to not drive a carriage today. Harumph. I accept what I cannot change.
I guess.
Hi, Mom! Love you!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Stupid Winter, Go Away!!
Take care all and hope to everyone is doing really well during these decidedly weird, strange and trying times. Don't let the b*st***s get you down! ( I've been waiting to say that for quite a while.)
Take Good Care of Yourself, Dear Reader!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Literary Scene
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Revolt Loudly!
Monday, April 13, 2009
The she being me
It's raining, the store is closed and I am going to go finish up my taxes, with some qualified help, of course. Finished the Biography on Hunter S. Thompson (Fear and Loathing; The Strange and Terrible Saga of HST) by Paul Perry and it was awesome. That's it, that's all she wrote.
The she being me.