Wednesday, November 19, 2008

No Room

Well, I turn 29 again tomorrow. It is an amazing thing when the exact same birthday keeps coming, year after year ( after year, after year, etc.) It is freezing cold these days, I am reading about forty different books and have some bad news. Due to a total lack of space, I cannot take in books for trade anymore. I want people to know that this was not a marketing ploy, to suspend trade over Christmas, it was more like a rookie, first-time business owner mistake. I simply don't have any more room and am working on solving that problem. As for now, I am selling only. On the smallest scale, of course, I can trade - say, a couple of books (two, maybe three. Or four). Hope to see ya'll in the store soon!

Analogies (from Leaves of Gold, edited by Clyde Francis Little):

Despair is like forward children, who, when you take away their playthings, throw the rest into the fire for madness. It grows angry with itself, turns its own executioner, and revenges its misfortunes on its own head.

Genius is the gold in the mine; talent is the miner who works to bring it out.

Lady Blessington

Like the bee, we should make our industry our amusement.

There is no negativity in the present moment.

-Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now


Harvey said...

Do you have any volumes of Durant's Story of Civilization?

Unknown said...

I am not sure, but I am checking on it!