Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Will the Ceiling Hold?

"The simpler one writes, the better it will be.
In trying to dress things up, one only distorts them."
-Saint Bernadette on her deathbed, April 1879

Busy, busy, busy. Lots going on. Over 300 books came in over the past ten days! Rainy, cold day- such a good day to read and listen to raindrops and think, eh? More Later!


Kara Ferguson said...

I heard you on Drake & Zeke, and really need to come visit! My husband refers to me not as someone who reads books, but as someone who eats them. I can't wait to check out your store. Is it bad to say "good luck"? We need more good bookstores in this city!

Unknown said...

"Good Luck" works just fine for a bookstore! Please do come check out the store- I am open six days a week, eleven to six, Tues -Sat and noon till five on Sat. It is a good thing I am in this business because I love talking to other book lovers! Let me know some of the books you are looking for and I can check around and see if I can find them!