Friday, May 28, 2010

Craving some Bubbles and Squeak??

Mary Jane found a cookbook in the store called the Heart of Pittsburgh with local-to-that- area recipes. One of them is called... are you ready... grab a pen so you can write this one down
Strawberry Pretzel Jello Salad!!!!!!
Yes!!! And The English Major Bookstore has the recipe!!!!!! Your local connection to gastronomical freaking delight that includes jello!!! MJ figured out, however, that the pretzel is used like a crust, not just pieces floating in jello,so we figure that makes a little more sense. I can't say it makes a whole lot more sense, just a little. She then found a recipe for 15-layer Lasagna!! Or how about an Onion and Red Pepper Tart? Mmmm...yummy. Are you craving some Bubbles and Squeak? Bubbles and Squeak is an old Irish recipe consisting of cabbage, mashed potatoes, bacon drippings, onion and salt and pepper to taste. The sound it makes when it's cooking (bubbling and squeaking, I assume) is the sound of the witches escaping! This dish is served on Halloween in Ireland. Used bookstores are the coolest- it's like stepping into a classroom with no pressure, no tests, no pop quizes, just knowledge and broadened horizons and ideas! Did you really think when you sat down to read this blog that you would learn so much about Pittsburgh???
Another good recipe-Junk in the Oven- ground beef, tomatoe soup, onion, carrots, celery.
Come on down and check this book out!!!
Happy Memorial Day weekend all!
Thanks for reading my blog and please, let other people know about this blog. I can't figure out Google Analytics so I can't tell if anyone is reading this. If you can help me figure out the analytics, I would really appreciate it and might just make you a Strawberry Pretzel Jello Salad!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Light and Love, all.

Hi! No real nwe news from the Bookstore front in sunny Midtown Memphis. Not much going on other than Fritz came back. I took him to my bf Chris' house temporarily but he is back and ready to purr at your feet, admire your literary choices or watch you from afar as you browse my constantly updated book collection. I hate not being at the store as much as I would usually am, but Mother Nature and I are working on a solution. The hotter it gets, the later I go out to drive a carriage and the more time I can spend at the store! It's a freaking win/win!
S'all for now.
Light and Love, all.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

We Are Finally Open Late!!

"If cats suddenly disappeared, it would only be a matter of weeks before rodents completely overran the planet."
-The Cat Lovers Book of Days, @ 1991

Something to put in your pipe and smoke, eh? The bookstore is well,healthy and sound. I found a great new addition to our staff, so joining Lily, Zan and Mary Jane is Brad who will be at the store Thursdays, Fridays and Saturday nights until 9 p.m. We are finally open late!! I will likely trek on down to Joe's on Saturday nights to get and keep a chilled box of white wine up there for partying book lovers who can't decide which fork in the road to take- drink or read. I, sadly, will not be there as I will be where I am most days these days (when not with my boyfriend, Chris:)), and that is behind Bonnie the Clyde, giving tours downtown. But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy all the amenities The English Major Bookstore has to offer. For example, we are now a cross-ventilating establishment, having installed both front and back screen doors. As usual, the coolest cat in Midtown, Fritz, will always be around to be just plain friendly to you and gorgeous to be around. Our prices are great, our selection is awesome and changing often. I ask you honestly, what more could you ask for from the coolest little used bookstore in Midtown? (Yeah, I said it. The Flyer might not have said it, but I will!!:)
Take care, read well and come by Late Night!!