Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Peter Pan, Where, Oh Where, Have You Gone?

Someone told me where the Peter Pan Pantry moved, but I don't really care. I have also heard that Joe's is expanding. Good for them, however, again, I don't really care. I want my Peter Pan Pantry back- for the love of the gods, I have been going there since 1921, it seems like. They have been in that spot for at least, what, 20 years? And then, without any notice, that's it, it's all over, see ya. Well, thanks, Peter Pan, thanks for such a great big jolt of adulthood. Really, everything's been so cozy and warm in the world lately, we all needed more economic reality to interfere with the general going's on of little ole Midtown Memphis. Me? I'm still in Midtown, but you, Mr. Pan are not. Farewell.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

"A democracy is always temporary in nature..."

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes forthe candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, withthe result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship." -1787, Alexander Tyler

I have this feeling no one is reading my blog. Is this true? C'mon, people, tell me it ain't true. No one ever comments and since I can't tell how many, if any, visitors I've had, I'm kind of left hanging. Anyway, got back from Hot Springs. Saw some cool documentaries, one especially called HomeGrown, about this family in California with an urban homestead where they harvested 6,000 lbs. of food in just one year in their back yard. Very worthwhile and inspiring thing to watch. Welll, dreary night out, though not on the carrriage. Am reading the biography of Jack London after reading Call of the Wild for the first time recently. His biography, called Sailor on Horseback, is so good, I have trouble putting it down!!
Well, to whomever does read this blog still, I hope you have a great day tomorrow and all weekend!
The English Major Herself,

Monday, October 12, 2009

The New Urban Cowboy Runs For Governor of Florida!!

Michael E. Arth's Runs for Governor of Florida

The New Urban Cowboy: Towards a New Pedestrianism
This post has nothing to do with books or horses or the bookstore. It has to do with a documentary I saw in October, 2008 at The Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival. It has stuck with me for so long and I swear, I probably think about it once a day. Very worth watching if you get the chance. ( You can now get the chance as I have 18 copies of the movie for sale, cheap (normally $23, now way less- it's a donation with a $5 minimum at the store. Everyone I know who has seen it has been wowed!) The basic idea is so great, but the documentary is even greater. Truly Amazing, actually.
Michael E. Arth's idea is that eventually, in this country, we are going to have to figure out how to be a less car-centered society, as a whole, not just a few pockets of folks. His philosophy is called New Pedestrianism and an example of one of his main ideas is to turn neighborhoods around, literally. Instead of front yards facing roads and parked cars, they would face into the alleys and towards other people. Porches would be erected in the back of houses so everyone, kids included, could walk up and down the alleys safely. Things like grocery stores, art galleries, school and used bookstores would be within walking distance. In fact, everything would be within walking distance. The alleys basically become the roads, but for people. It may sound simplistic, but it is an amazing documentary. And Michael E. Arth is currently running for Governor of Florida! These are some of his websites- very worthwhile to check out!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

17 Days Since My Last Blog and These Are My Sins

"17 Days Since My Last Blog and These Are My Sins" - Just a throwback to my Catholic upbringing. NO sins here, well, I don't know- is laziness a sin? I am not sure what it is with me, but I am coming to realize that when there are things to be done and I don't do them, well, that makes me lazy. I am constantly on the go, not one to just sit around, however, I believe I have a slight issue with the "L" word ( laziness, not the Showtime series) Although I just looked it up in the dictionary and lazy also means slow-moving. That is an easier pill to swallow.
Have had my wonderful helpers in several times in the past few weeks to help me shelve books, so lots of new books on the shelves. Remember, if you have a bunch of books to get rid of, you can also give me first dibs and leave the rest with me to call Salvation Army and let them come and remove the leftovers. It is a win-win, you get to get rid of stuff, always a good thing, and I get to pick through you cast-offs, something I enjoy doing. I haven't blogged in a while and I think I am making up for it with the length of this one. Although I can't honestly say that I am sure that anyone is actually taking time out of their busy days to read this, but I like to pretend you are. I had a lady come in the store the other day, however, and announce that she was from Canada and had been reading my blog for some time. So, there's one person. ;)
Take care all and make time for yourselves, whether to read or whatnot, no on is any good to anyone else if they aren't good to themselves. (Sly justification for slow-movingness? Maybe.)