Saturday, August 23, 2008

One Million books in a cornfield!!

This video is awesome. These folks literally have, somewhere in the neighborhood of, a million books and counting. I am in The Yellow Book and The Yellow Pages online, they are on CBS and they don't even advertise! You have to check out the link. If I were more savvy in the ways of computers, of course, I would link you up right here. But today, Saturday, August 23, you will have to cut and paste. Maybe someday. I remember years ago someone gave me Jack Keroac's list of 20 things to do to be a great writer. I remember two of them : only get drunk at home and always boldly emblazen the date on the page on which you are writing. I believe it is supposed to make you more aware of the day you are in and probably aid in being more present in that day. Always a good thing. Is it tacky to end every blog entry by encouraging folks to come by the store? It is my first blog, of which I am very proud to have, but I am somewhat unclear on good blog manners. How 'bout this: Ya'll come check out the store, if you haven't, and I'll quit ending every entry asking you to come check out the store. Fair enough?


Sassy Molassy said...
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emilieswift said...

So happy for you Karin!!!!! Live it!