Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Lending Library at The English Major Bookstore

So many people have been coming in lately saying that they have been meaning to come in but that it has taken them until now to do it. To all, I say, Come On In!! If it is after 2 p.m., you can park in Old Zinnie's parking lot, across the street from the laundromat. I am also available by appointment, so, say you have a few free minutes, but the store is closed, feel free to call me and it is very easy for me to open for you.

Hope Christmas and all it's glory is sitting well with all of you. Personally, I've been reading a ton of good books; it seems the more I read, the more I read (actually, the inverse is true, too, the less I read, the less I seem to read!) Presently, though, I am watching a BBC movie called Fingersmith- it's awesome. Anyway, Happy Wet, Cold and Windy Holidays!!


Alain Peer said...

The lending library is a good idea but the name suggests the public library. Which, as you know, is free (well,excepting those of us who are terminally late). I'd suggest pitching it as a club, with the getting books thing a club perk. Readers love being around readers so a club is workable. Your post suggests that some have missed store hours. Set club hours for these people. A time only for members with talk, tea and the book loans as pulls.peer

Unknown said...

Hmmmm...definitely something to think about- I really appreciate your comments and will definitely think about them. 'Be a part of the Club' or just call it 'The Club at the English Major Bookstore'. Interesting- thanks!

willington said...

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