Monday, January 18, 2010

Writing Workshop Tonight!!!

Hosted by The Mid-South Writer's Group
$20 (Student Discount- $15)
Call for more information
(901) 833-3099
Life is full of challenges, eh? I have been reading a book called Your Freedom To Be about how people's lives can change when they see reality for what it is; namely, that we are all a part of One Presence, One God, etc. With my head in said cloud, happy, calm, content, I have fallen behind on my AT&T bill. As such, I have been temporarily cast out from the Internet community and, as such, am having to use my Carriage Driving Boss' Wifi ( I think that is what I am using to connect on my laptop). I debated revealing this little piece of information, as it is a little embarrassing, but am divulging in order that no one wonder," Why doesn't Karin ever blog anymore? Does she think no one cares, that perhaps no one reads the blog for The English Major Bookstore? Phooey!" No, I am just a lowly carriage driver with a bookstore and it is Winter and these things happen. I will be back up and running in no time. And, things being what they are, I can't remember the name of the writer's group my friend Valentine runs but she has a Phd. in Philosophy and runs an 8-week long workshop from her home several times a year. This group is for those who don't want to sign up for the whole course, but just for one night. You have probably seen her group's book for sale in coffeeshops around town- it's called 'Mais Oui'- Valentine is awesome and I'm sure her workshop will be spectacular. Call me at the store for more information directly from her flyer. (901) 833-3099. See you on Tuesday!

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