Monday, October 12, 2009

The New Urban Cowboy Runs For Governor of Florida!!

Michael E. Arth's Runs for Governor of Florida

The New Urban Cowboy: Towards a New Pedestrianism
This post has nothing to do with books or horses or the bookstore. It has to do with a documentary I saw in October, 2008 at The Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival. It has stuck with me for so long and I swear, I probably think about it once a day. Very worth watching if you get the chance. ( You can now get the chance as I have 18 copies of the movie for sale, cheap (normally $23, now way less- it's a donation with a $5 minimum at the store. Everyone I know who has seen it has been wowed!) The basic idea is so great, but the documentary is even greater. Truly Amazing, actually.
Michael E. Arth's idea is that eventually, in this country, we are going to have to figure out how to be a less car-centered society, as a whole, not just a few pockets of folks. His philosophy is called New Pedestrianism and an example of one of his main ideas is to turn neighborhoods around, literally. Instead of front yards facing roads and parked cars, they would face into the alleys and towards other people. Porches would be erected in the back of houses so everyone, kids included, could walk up and down the alleys safely. Things like grocery stores, art galleries, school and used bookstores would be within walking distance. In fact, everything would be within walking distance. The alleys basically become the roads, but for people. It may sound simplistic, but it is an amazing documentary. And Michael E. Arth is currently running for Governor of Florida! These are some of his websites- very worthwhile to check out!

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