Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Tao De English Major

That's nice- I am now posting once a every four weeks- go, Karin!! Good Lord, you would think I could take the time... oh, wait, that's right- time!! That thing I never have enough of, that thing they say is an illusion anyway. I enjoy posting and am not exactly sure why I haven't of late. Funny story- I watched Miss Austin Regrets (Austen? I forget) and got online soon after. The way I was writing was so funny, so reminiscent of that time. It was great. So, I have hired some people in the store and I will be out of the store more than usual- out marketing or driving a carriage or yes, occasionally, I will probably be found lounging in the park. I am still looking to hire some people, so definitely get in touch with me if you are interested in some part-time work. New 'employees' are automatically signed up for the Lending Library and can borrow 3 books at a time per month- deal of the century!!
So, I have a Facebook account for the store now- well, actually, I did before, but couldn't post comments from it and I mean, really, what's the point of FB if not to tell everyone what you're thinking about! So, now, instead of The English Major Bookstore, I can be found under English Major. I always think it's pretty funny when names like that haven't already been chosen. Anyway, in addition to new people in the store, I have been shelving and categorizing and getting rid of old books, putting new ones on the shelves. I just got in a bunch of stuff regarding The Tao De Ching, including a copy of the book itself as well as all kinds of people's take on the book, including Alan Watts'. Lots of new paperback fiction, history- all kinds of stuff- oh- new Art books!! Come and check it all out at your leisure and meet my newest representatives of The English Major Bookstore- they all seem as glad to be here as I am to have them!!
Let's see- personally, I was reading the only novel that Ranier Maria Rilke ever wrote called The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge. I have been a huge Rilke fan for ages, but never knew he wrote a novel. So, I was pretty over the moon about it and was enjoying it immensely- it's the kind of book that you have to put down every now and then and just kind of reflect and be like Radar on the old M*A*S*H episodes, when he's all reflective about Bach, "Ahhhh, Bach!" You just kind of sit for a second, thinking, "Ahhhh, Good Ole Rilke." Never disappointing, other than you know that it is the only novel you'll ever read by him which is a little bittersweet. But Then!!! About a month ago, I sold my only copy of Carson McCullers' The Heart is a Lonely Hunter and was slightly torn about selling it- kind of asking they guy who bought it," You sure you want this?" So, never having read it and knowing it is at the top of the list for a lot of people's Favorite Books Ever, I had a copy come in, so I have decided to share reading time between Carson and Rilke and am enjoying both. Got up early the other day to go for a beautiful walk in 67 degree weather, then realized I could just blow off the walk and read all morning, which, of course, I did.
Hope all is well in ya'lls worlds!
As always, come take a carriage ride and support your local bookstore!

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