Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Power of The Green Smoothie

Well, I think we have all stared at my face long enough. I am at the end of my ninth day, entering my tenth, of about 99% raw food. I am really happy about it and feel flippin great. I have studied the Raw Food Diet for many years and have always been moving in that direction, but thanks to the power of The Green Smoothie, I have actually, and I think for the first time in my life, been able to overcome my cravings for junk food in all its ridiculous forms. I say ridiculous, by the way, because it has, in its name, Junk.That makes it ridiculous, no?
Green Smoothies, which have absolutely nothing to do with books or the selling thereof, are a fruit smoothie made with about 60% fruit and 40% greens. So, one big handful of greens in a fruit smoothie and there you are, A Green Smoothie. They taste great and have been immensely helpful in getting pizza to release me from its grip. Pizza and many other forms of bad nutrition can go suck an egg while I enjoy goodness.
That is it. That is all I have to say tonight is I love Green Smoothies.
Oh, and all the many books folks brought me when they were doing there spring cleaning have actually made their way to the shelves. Not all, but an awful lot- I have been shelving books like mad!
By the way, I don't eat raw meat, raw eggs or raw milk!


Unknown said...

Cool, another raw vegan Memphian! There aren't many of us around, huh? :)


Unknown said...

That is so cool- I never expected another raw fooder to respond!
Do you have a blog or website?

Unknown said...

I'll actually be launching my website in the next couple of weeks. I'll let you know when it's up and running. :)
