Thursday, February 25, 2010

I am, Still.

This is an FYI about some new books I just got in and have shelved:

1. I got about 10 or 12 comic book/ graphic novels, most of the Batman and Robin related. They are bound so they aren't really comic books, but that's the only way I could describe them.

2. I got a copy of Donna Tartt's The Secret History, which I really liked and enjoyed much more than her second novel, The Little Friend.

3. I have put some really interesting books in the Entertainment section having to do with Operas and the appreciation of them. One describes the basic premises for all the major and important operas throughout time, I would suppose, not knowing when opera actually started!

I am. Still looking for PT help, that is- Thursday nights especially, from 4-9. Let me know if you are interested or know someone who is!

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