Thursday, February 11, 2010

She Loved Words

That's what a friend of mine told me is going to be on her tombstone when she shuffles off this mortal coil. I thought that was great and have decided to copy her. If she is dead and gone, I figure, then she won't be able see that my tombstone! I love words- It's great! Faith is a new favorite of mine. It is supposed to be the antidote to fear and the only effective way, actually, to combat fear. Fear that I might not win Powerball, that's a legitimate fear, right? Well, then, I will just have faith that I will win and that will be that.
At the store, wow, I have had a massive amount of help shelving books- there are many, many new books on the shelves. I am still accepting applications for Thursday- Sunday nights, 4-9 p.m., commission only (but a substantial commission, based on experience). You won't be required to do much which will offer you plenty of time to get to know what books I have which will, of course, increase your sales. That is the job in its entirety- let me know if you are interested.
What else? Reading a book called Cape Random by Morgan somebody- sorry, I don't have the book in front of me- and am enjoying it. It's set in the early 1880's and concerns an English family who had to leave England and arrives in Newfoundland and what they experience during their time there. It is kind of Little House on the Prarie-ish, except with a little more death. The amount of thrift and plain old hard work that went into survival for them makes me look at the easy-peasy life I live. When I want clean clothes, I just go wash them. I don't have to be sure I work all summer and fall in the hopes of being able to trade enough fish for detergent. I thought about putting the book down when I was about 100 pages into it, but am glad I didn't. I was slightly boring, but has picked up since then.
Raw food potluck is tonight at Whole Foods- 7 p.m. Bring or buy a dish there worth $5. Usually, there are amazing foods and wonderful people.
Other than that, I would have to say, everything else is same ole, same ole. As a carriage driver, this is the slowest time of the years, January and February, so every day that brings us closer to Spring is a good day!
Take care.


Dan Runfola said...

It's late and I'm stumbling about on the internet. But I just wanted to let you know I'm a fan of your blog. I read it a lot (and the other one, too!) and admire your style. I visit your town almost every year around Christmas and have only been able to stop in to your fine shop once (before I knew of your blog). Anyway, I am a bookshop junkie and have heaps and heaps of books. Bookshop keepers like you inspire me, and I'm glad to see you are still going strong.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much! You can always let me know what kind of books you are interested in and I can have them for you when you do come to town! Happy President's Day!