Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Books For Sale!

Well, I don't have time to list the books I wanted to in the depth I wanted to, so I thought I would do the brief version. I figure these books don't have to be described as completely as they would if I was selling them online and mailing them. You can come and check them out at the store!!

**King Edward VII and His Court - First Edition, @1930, published by E.P. Dutton and Company Inc.- $15

**The Bedside Book of Famous American Stories - Edited by Angus Burell and Bennett Cerf, @1936, published by Random House, - $10

**Mathematics For Everyman by Egmont Colerus, @1958, Emerson Books, Inc.-$8

**The Greek Treasure by Irving Stone, @1975, Doubleday. This copy is signed by the author and has no dustjacket -$10

**Lieutenant Carey's Luck by Lieutenant Lounsberry, @1899, Street and Smith - $22

**Arms and The Woman by Harold MacGrath, @1899 by Doubleday and S.S. McClure - $10

Lots of Changes at The English Major Bookstore!!
*Tons of New Arrivals
*A paperback section that is alphabatized
*All modern fiction books are alphabatized
*A New Section Tentatively Called Earthen Pleasures (?) - books on hiking ( in many, many places all around the World), on the Earth, on the environment
*I got a haircut!

To my wonderful litle brother, Michael, reading this all the way out there in Denver, tell your adorable zygote to keep on dancing and that Aunt Karin says hi and your wife as well! I love and miss you both - thanks for reading my bahlouge!!

Also, Local Folks, the story on the store is going to be in The Commercial Appeal hopefully within a week, so be looking for me!! (and Fritz!)

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