Friday, October 17, 2008

The True University

The true University of these days
is a collection of books.
-Thomas Carlyle

I have this beautiful book called Journeys Through Bookland - A New and Original Plan for Reading Applied to the World's Best Literature for Children by Charles H. Sylvester originally copyrighted in 1909, though this is a first edition printed in 1955. It is $4.50, in great shape, no dj and some of the writers included are Robert Burns, Lord Byron, Edgar Allen Poe and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. As far as reading, writing and arithmetic go, it strikes me that this book would take care of the reading part of a kid's education for the better part of a couple of years. Oh, and it smells good. Though not technically part of the accepted vernacular for describing books, this book smells wonderful!

**** Change of Hours : As I still have my full-time job as a carriage driver ( ), I have realized that it is necessary for me to close earlier on Friday and Saturdays, so instead of six, I will be closing at five, which, of course, means five-ish.
Hours of Operation:
Tuesdays - Thursdays, Eleven to Six
Fridays and Saturday, Eleven to five
Sundays, Noon - Five

As per usual, I have many new books in the store as the trading part of the book business at the Bookstore is great! Come on by!

1 comment:

ashley la rouge said...

I had a dream last night that I came in and asked to work for you on Thursday nights, to which you pulled out a pouch and paid me in advance with pocket change. I was so pleased until I remembered that I have to go to a wedding rehearsal Thursday, and I woke with the UTTER DILEMMA of having to ask you for my first night off.